Anecdote: Kota Kinabalu

Anecdote: Kota Kinabalu

Originally, I wasn't going to write anything about the town that everyone lovingly refers to as 'KK.' This is mostly because there isn't much to say - other than meeting up with our buddy Wendell for the last time on this trip and a cool mosque, Kota Kinabalu doesn't really have a lot going for it (and in fact it was the town that I referred to as a one-horse town in the last post).

Rachel saw this pretty flower and took a picture I wanted to post. Unrelated to everything else.

There is one story about KK that I did want to tell however, and it's about the huge Filipino market that we visited while we were there. The second we got into town, we were taking an Uber from the airport to our hotel, and were having a chat with the driver. He seemed like a really nice guy, and was giving us some tips on KK and what to do there. We had previously read about the Filipino market on blogs, Lonely Planet, etc. and decided to ask him if it was worth going to see.

The seafood was excellent. I ate goopy squid brains and almost puked.

"Oh yes," he said, "the Filipino market is great. It's really big, and the seafood is excellent. But watch your pockets while you're there; I don't want to be racist or anything, but Filipinos are all thieves."

There ya have it, ladies and gents. If you're Filipino, I guess you're a thief. Sorry if you didn't know.

Needless to say, it was a bit of an awkward silence for the rest of the ride.

To be fair, this guy was charging an extortionate 1.50 ringgits for his chicken skewers.

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Jungle Creatures

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